What came first, chicken or egg?

Q: What came first, chicken or egg?
A: Obviously, eggs came first. There were eggs long before there were chickens! Dinosaur eggs, for example.

Q: That's not what I mean! I meant, what came first, chicken or chicken-egg?
A: What do you mean, chicken-egg? Is that an egg laid by a chicken, or an egg from which a chicken hatched?

Q: What came first, chickens or eggs laid by chickens?
A: You're answering your own question. Chickens, duh. Otherwise the eggs would not have been laid by chickens but by another creature.

Q: What came first, chickens or the eggs from which they hatched?
A: You're answering your own question. The eggs from which they hatched, duh.

In other words, the question "what came first, chicken or egg?" is wrong. Now get off my lawn!