Important: The software is provided free of charge in the hope that it will be useful, but is provided AS IS with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, expressed or implied. The author can not be held liable for any damage that may arise directly or indirectly from the software. Use the software at your own risk.
HD24connect version 1.0.0 is the first version with full write support. As such, although the software has been tested extensively, write support should be considered EXPERIMENTAL. It is strongly recommended make backups before using write support, either using the functionality provided by HD24tools or using the HD24 recorder.
Please also take in account the regular disclaimers that apply for the operational conditions for your hardware- That is, do not attempt to hot-swap a drive that is not hot-swappable, do not use in overly moist conditions, switch off devices before hooking them up, and so on. Consult your hardware manuals to inform yourself about further limitations.
A considerable amount of time was spent to develop the software. If you use and like the software and wish to support it, please consider making a donation to the author. Spread the news. Please do not host the software on other sites- you can always download the latest version from the following page: