Finding the HD24 device name (Mac)
To find the device name on your Mac, start up a terminal, then type
ls /dev/disk*
then press Enter.
You should now see a list of disks, such as:
How do you know which device is the HD24 drive? A few hints:
- It is usually not /dev/disk0 because this is
your system drive.
- It is not any of the drives where the drive number
is followed by s1, s2 or higher; this is because
s1, s2 etc. indicate several partitions on the drive.
The HD24 does not support partitions, so any disk
which is also followed by s1, s2 etc. is not an HD24
drive. In the example above, /dev/disk0 and /dev/disk1
are not HD24 drives.
- Finally, it is most likely to be the drive name that
was not listed before connecting the HD24 drive, but that
suddenly shows up when you do connect the HD24 drive to
your Mac.
In the above case, /dev/disk2 is the most likely candidate.
Under File->Recovery->Select device... you should
now specify this device. In the dropdown box Choose device, either select the
device name, or select --Use other device-- and manually
enter the device name of the HD24 drive.