OpenSCAD files

Some openscad files here. Ideally these end up included in OpenSCAD as parts library. Until then please enjoy them here.

First of all there's a small LIBRARY on which the files below depend. The library contains stuff for tubes, stacking things, drawing screw holes and "flattened domes" which are cylindrical cups with rounded corners.

Next, a few motor designs. The OpenSCAD software only seems to have come with a few stepper motors but not other commonly used electromotors.
So I've drawn these - I'm placing them in public domain for you to use as you see fit. Note that physical dimensions for these motors may vary slightly - these are general averages based on several sites online as well as manual measurements.

OpenSCAD design for rs-365 motor - this is typically used for hair dryers and popcorn poppers.

OpenSCAD design for rs-775 motor - this runs around 100W and is typically used for a bit more heavy-duty applications.

I'd appreciate it if you could drop me a note at mrjb AT if you use these so I know whether to keep them coming or not.