Chicken and beef sausages
For these sausages I used a mix of, amongst other things, chicken, beef, pork, paprika powder, malic acid, garlic, salt, pepper, a pinch of nutmeg, a pinch of cumin, an apple, some balsamic vinegar, flour, a moderate amount of fresh rosemary, chili powder, worcester sauce and a splash of wine.

Introducing my new and improved sausage stuffer: The neck of a bottle and an untopped bottle cap...

... hooked up to a freezing bag and a pork casing.

Ready to go.

A few minutes later we've got 7 hand-linked sausages.

Cooking them very, very slowly. So far, they're still holding on. I'll probably reduce the apple, wine and other liquids before use next time.

A British classic: Bangers and mash with gravy.

Correction. A British classic: BANGERS and mash with gravy.