You can download version 0.9.1beta here. If you have a Mac, the recommended version is 1.1.0betaRC6b - this will help you work around the tightened permissions on MacOSX 10.8.
What is HD24tools?
HD24tools is a software suite providing a state of the art toolset for interoperability between the Alesis ADAT HD24 recorder and your computer.
Some of its unique features are:
- Exporting audio based on locate points
- Splitting up tracks into smaller chunks to work around the 2 gigabyte .wav limitation
- Catalog functionality
- Realtime auditioning of drive content
- Realtime streaming of drive content to other applications (Linux only)
- Data recovery functionality
HD24tools can be downloaded free of charge. However, you are encouraged to donate a small fee if you find it useful.
If you are looking for the manual, click here.